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Cookbook Passion

by Pamela Kure Grogan


“Special Award Winner – Best in the World” from Gourmand International (2022)

What is being said: “Cookbook Passion is a colorful and beautifully designed book capturing American and international culinary history and entertains with a sprinkle of recipes throughout. A fun read and an important resource for research libraries.”  Pamela Kure Grogan’s Cookbook Passion draws upon a vintage selection of 3,000 volume cookbook collection showcasing the changing palates of those at-home and travel epicureans.  Cookbook covers from 1920’s to 1980’s with stories how the books came together, and the authors behind them.  200 photographs, 150 heirloom recipes.  Semi-autobiographical on how Pamela became a culinary influencer. Eat Your Books blog: “Our members will definitely want to own this title.” By Pamela Kure Grogan.  Edited by S. P. Groga

276 pages

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