Quest Mystery, the world of treasure hunts, games & S.P. Grogan

Treasure Hunts

 This Hunt was solved! Go to:   Cowlazars - YouTubeThe Invitation

 We seek to be the consolidator and disseminator of news regarding hidden fortunes that have the best potential of discovery.

--Announcing the publication of “Grand Adventure: The Invitation” Treasure Hunt from YouTube treasure hunt influencers Cowlazars and Kpro

ALERT:  The first treasure hunt book created by long-time hunt genre influencers Cowlazars and Kpro. ‘The Invitation’ is a US based hunt featuring a hunt-within-hunt featuring rollicking treasure hunt characters and misfits.  Seems to be the beginning of a hunt series. The prize is a small chest of silver and coins but the big item is a gold coin from the Forrest Fenn’s Treasure. The winner does have the option of taking $2000 cash instead of the prize.  The ‘Invitation’ Hunt starts April 26, 2024. and we will cover the launch.  Book purchase required.  $29.95-- through QM Store.

--Attend April 26-27 Cowlazars Grand Adventure Weekend at The Horseshoe Casino, Fremont Street, Las Vegas. Poker Tournament, Author Signings, Escape room, Awards.



--$2,500 “Vegas Die 2.0 Hunt” Still Alive and Well (Questors begin here)

Rules & Regs for Vegas Die 2.0

The original “Vegas Die” (1.0) novel was reprinted in 2020 with a revised Quest Mystery Treasure Hunt.  During COVID the hunt went somewhat dormant with limited interest but has been recently re-activated. Book purchase is required in hardcover, softcover or eBook). The theme has always been ‘Nothing Is As It Seems’. Those searching are called Questors.  Creator is author S.P. Grogan who will answer any reasonable email guesses as to location.  Armchair Searchers viable.  The prize is $2,500 cash or a Spanish doubloon.  Location is in the Las Vegas Valley.  Clues in ‘Lafayette’ by same author narrowed geographic scope of search.  Several past Questor were able to find the general area of the hidden final clue (answer) but went no further.  Buy 2020 Vegas Die here.




--Kpro’s List of Treasure Hunts 


Current Active

  • Beacon Star*

          Cipher based, search area in Denver, CO, Started 2017, $5,000 plus 1 gold coin. Book purchase required. Randy R. Pischel, author


  • The Secret*

          Book by Byron Preiss (1982) 12 treasure boxes, 3 found. Note: author died in 2005. No found record as to final locations. Estate will honor prizes. 12 maps 12 verses.


  • The Incredible Hunt

          Started June 2022 Still Open. Prize Pool $60,000, remaining $30,000. ‘We hid six treasure chests across America. Do you have what it takes to find one?’

  • The Hope Chest  

          January 2023, no end date.   $50,000. Five-state hunt.  By Cris and Julie Dotson.


  • Xavier Marx*

                Featuring children’s book  ‘Xavier Marx and the Missing Masterpieces’, by Sean Cronin and Hilary Genga, illustrated by Sara Martin. Proxy located in New York for $10,000 prize.

Annual and Ongoing

  • Vegas – Jingle Bell Rock*

Annual hunt that takes place in the Las Vegas, Nevada area for a $10,000 prize. Local Las Vegas radio station, 96.3 KKLZ, hides a decorated rock somewhere in or around Vegas and releases hints daily on their radio station. Here is the 2020 winner’s interview.

The Jingle Bell Rock winner and what the F@&% did those clues mean? - YouTube


  • Johnny Treasure Quest*

“I have buried not only my entire jewelry store but thousands upon thousands of dollars of gold, silver, diamonds & antiques in various locations in Michigan from the bottom to the upper peninsula.”  Check for current hunts.


  • Apocrypha - Nick Spera and Lisa Finch. Solved, but doing another hunt soon.  




  • There’s Treasure Inside

“I’ve hidden a treasure somewhere in the United States that's worth millions upon millions of dollars and it’s waiting for you to find it.” - Jon Collins-Black

Pre-Order. $50 book -- October, 2024 planned release date.

We will be providing news and updates.



Lingering Mysteries

  • Forrest Fenn*

What can you say?  Probably the most covered treasure hunt in recent times. Treasure found. Controversy, rumors, gossip still continue.  A proposed Netflix documentary is in the works. We will provide more details.  Kpro & Cowlazars are the experts in this field. Follow their YouTube channel.


  • DB Cooper*

Still unsolved and worth a Treasure Hunter review of the evidence. You might be the one to unmask the true story. Lots of books out there with theories. Fascinating unsolved mystery.

Latest book – “Where was Skip” by John Limbaugh.


*BOTG means Boots on the Ground. You must go into the field searching.


--The latest in Treasure Hunt Books

Though we will review and promote any treasure hunt with us being in a ‘literary state of mind’ we personally favor hunts with clues found within literature or illustrations.  Buy here.

Vegas Die

The Invitation


--How to choose the right hunt for you to join?

We asked Cowlazars his thoughts: “Have the time and more so, have the patience.  There is a fine line between being the dedicated hunter to the obsessive. Don’t vent your frustrations on the game’s originators. These are games with challenges, not the End of Days. Use resources especially social Forum sites to get a feel for how others approach the hunt.  The big cash prizes are tantalizing but the smaller ones usually are created for quick solves. Above all, enjoy.”


--Latest News:


--Watch each Monday – “Forrest Fenn Treasure found” for the latest Forrest Fenn updates

--Watch each Thursday - “The Treasure Hunt Amusement Park” for all other treasure hunt news.


--To Treasure Hunt Originators

                To develop a contest and Rules for the Perfect (and Proper) Hunt to satisfy Searchers/Questors, yes, we can act as consultant to advise and/or set up (even manage) your own hunt. Create the package, writing, illustrations, even publishing tips.   Contact us.


                Reach the Treasure Hunt audience—Ask us about website or podcast advertising


Disclaimer: Our goal is to present you with up-to-date information on treasure hunting.  We only specifically recommend a hunt if it meets certain basic requirements. (1) Creators/Originators have past track record of providing an interesting and thoughtful hunts; (2) hunts may be limited duration or open until found (there is internal fan debate on which is best); (3) that whether at the hunt end the treasure/prize is discovered or not, the creators ought to provide exact clue details so those searching can be satisfied that following clues would have indeed led to the answer.   We ask our readers to be careful both in deciding which hunt to pursue (Caveat Emptor--Buyer’s Beware) as well as if BOTG (Boots on the Ground) the hunt is carried out in safe circumstances and that private property and local laws are respected.





[More Hunt News & Info]